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Increasing Your Sales Prospects

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Have you hit a plateau with your current leads and don’t know how to find some fresh prospects? Industrial Marketer has some ideas

Databases and directories: some industry-specific databases include ThomasNet,, MacRae’s Blue Book, and Process Register. You can use these resources as starting points, and make sure your business is listed in these directories.

Advertising: placing ads in those databases, or in trade journals or other strategically chosen publications can position you where your potential clients will be looking

Referrals: have you asked your clients if they would refer you to their colleagues? Many of them would say yes, but some sales professionals are afraid it would damage the relationship by asking. Using discretion, there are some clients who would heartily recommend you to their contacts.

Blogs and social media: get your social media presence amped up. If you haven’t already, consider writing a weekly or monthly blog for your website. Make sure your website is easy to use and your contact information is easy to find. Search engine optimization tricks can rank your site higher in search results.

For more information and additional suggestions, see the article from Industrial Marketer.

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