Agriculture Posts

Big Data is Transforming the Farming Industry

agriculture industry is changing. Much of the change is driven by new
technological developments. In a recent article for Future Farming, Ofir
Schlam examines the ways that data analytics is having an impact on the farming

explores how data analytics is enabling farmers to:

Increase productivity and innovation – Using
new data analytics, farmers can improve their productivity …

The Impact of New Technologies in the Worldwide Agricultural Sphere

intelligence and machine learning technologies are rapidly expanding into a
variety of arenas. New applications of these technologies are in high demand in
many industries, including agriculture. In a recent article for Future
Farming, Hugo Claver takes a look at some of the key impacts of new tech on
the farming industry, including:

Cognitive Computing – This combination of
Internet …

Technological Disruption in the Agriculture Industry

is advancing rapidly and impacting a wide variety of industries. Agriculture is
no exception. A recent article for Future Farming takes a look at the
case of brothers Jacob and Jan van den Borne, who were recently recognized for
their revolutionary contributions to the farming industry via precision

farming is a management concept that uses advanced technologies …

Are You Ready to Retire? The Time to Start Saving is Now

Are you
prepared for retirement? Have you even started planning for it yet? Farmers
face a unique set of circumstances that can make retirement especially
difficult. In a recent article for AgWeb, Anna-Lisa Laca offers the
following advice on retirement planning:

Make a clear plan that includes both a
timeline and specific goals.Create a budget that is sufficient for
covering your …

Prepping Machinery for Variable Crop Harvest

This article discusses the importance of regular maintenance to ensure the best results this upcoming harvest season. From highly-anticipated corn to soybeans, this harvest season could be a big one for farmers and this article reminds you of the tips that should be included in your routine.
To view this article, click HERE to access …

Retaliatory Tariffs and U.S. Farmers

This article discusses the struggles that US farmer are going through in terms of selling their goods because of this tariff. The farmers are losing market share from consumers that purchase soybean to french fries because they can not compete with the tariff weighing them down.
To view this article, click HERE to access the …

Conducting Farm Business Online

The number of farms doing business over the internet increased in 2019, but there are still many farmers without access to broadband services. 
This article discusses the digital divide in the agriculture industry.
To view this article, click HERE to access the original content.

6 Ideas to Gear Up Agriculture Retail

Successful agriculture retailers can position themselves to be successful by being technically strong and willing to start trends. 
This article discusses six ideas to help agriculture retailers improve business. 
To view this article, click HERE to access the original content.

Agriculture Analyst Urging Farms to Focus on Strategy

The variables surrounding crop prices are stressful and uncontrollable, but farms can handle these uncertainties by focusing on their strategy. 
This article discusses suggestions for creating a strategy that can help farms succeed. 
To view this article, click HERE to access the original content.

Tips for Managing Farm Finances

The financial aspect of farming can be daunting and challenging. 
This article discusses how you should manage farm finances to ensure profitability. 
To view this article, click HERE to access the original content.