Agriculture Posts

AgriTech Trends to Watch in 2022

This article discusses how the Agritech industry not only made it through the pandemic but saw skyrocketing numbers and investments throughout the past two years. As the world continues to become highly digitalized, the agricultural industry is no exception. For example, Internet of things devices, next-generation Internet connections, and autonomous agricultural machinery are technological …

Agriculture Trends to Watch in 2022

This article discusses how farmers are looking at 2022 as a recovery year and are expecting new technology and taking advantage of climate conditions to be a vital piece in that process. For example, increased use in aerial imaging, efficient water management, indoor vertical farming, and data integration are all trends to be educated …

Top 10 Trends to Watch in 2022

This article discusses a variety of trends that are expected to have a significant impact in the coming year on the agricultural and food industry according to Whole Foods. For example, indoor farming and greenhouses, the use of Yuzu, and the popularity of non-alcoholic beverages among millennials and Gen Z members are not expected …

Employee Spotlight – David Carbajal-Pimentel

David has dedicated the entirety of his professional accounting career to serving on the De Boer Baumann & Company team. He initially joined the firm as an intern in January of 2019 then was welcomed to the team fulltime in July of that same year. David currently serves as a staff accountant and recently …

Cybercrime and the Ag Industry

As farm owners incorporate more and more technology into their operations, the risk of falling victim to cybercriminals grows. From phishing attacks to ransomware and more, farmers should be aware that they are being targeted and that they are vulnerable, writes Mitch Galloway in a recent article for Michigan Farm News. Awareness and diligence …

The Benefits of Using a Capital Expenditure Budget

Farm owners seeking to make big-ticket purchases should be sure to plan carefully before doing so. Creating a capital expenditure budget is the first step to take before making a big purchase, writes Sara Schafer in a recent article for AgWeb. Crafting this type of budget requires accounting for your past activity, your cash …

Gifting Rules May Be Seeing Some Big Changes Soon

Farmers should be paying attention to potential changes to gifting rules, writes Paul Neiffer in a recent article for AgWeb. Neiffer details both current gifting rules and three potential changes to them. Farmers should be sure to understand both current and future gifting rules and work with their tax advisors to determine the best …

DBC to Sponsor MiFarmLink Project Event

De Boer Baumann & Company is excited to support Cultivating Connections, an event put on by the MiFarmLink Project. The November 10th event will feature Jolene Brown, a professional speaker, author, and farmer, and conclude with a networking happy hour sponsored by DBC.

Attendees can look forward to:

A welcome breakfast of cider and donuts“The Positives …

Emerging Trends in the Ag Industry

This article discusses how a major shift is occurring within the agricultural industry, and it is expected to change the way the industry operates on a day-to-day basis. The trends of technological advancements and ways to combat climate change are at the front of this new wave. For example, aerial imaging technology, digitalize communication, …

Machinery and Equipment Trends to Watch

This article discusses a variety of emerging trends that are expected to have a significant impact on the agricultural industry this year and beyond. For example, sustainable machinery, precise agriculture, robotics, and better irrigation systems are all trends that have emerged due to the coronavirus pandemic. Further, the growing importance of software is going …