Agriculture Posts

Using Data to Pursue Efficiency Increases

New technologies are making it easier than ever to collect relevant data about your farming operations. However, simply collecting data is not enough—you need to be putting your data to work for you.

In a recent article from AgWeb, author Kinsie Rayburn offers some helpful tips for putting your farm data to work for you. …

Developing Resilience in the Post-Pandemic Agriculture Sector

The coronavirus pandemic brought to light the need for change and evolution in many industries. The agriculture sector is certainly no exception. In a recent article for Forbes, author Jeff Fromm discusses a conversation he had with the Chief Operating Officer of Valent U.S.A., a California-based agricultural product wholesaler, regarding the response of the …

Developing a Smooth Succession Plan for Your Farm

Leading your farm through the succession process is a tricky undertaking. It requires forethought, patience, and careful planning. In a recent article from AgWeb, Sonja Begemann offers three tips for making the shift from one generation to the next as smooth as possible.

Communicate Thoroughly – Transparency is key. All stakeholders should be kept in …

Agritourism and COVID-19

This article discusses how the agricultural industry is going to change this year during the harvest season. From preparing your farm to inspecting the equipment, and proper storage techniques, this article outlines some of the best tips to be educated on as we enter autumn. Additionally, five different marketing strategies are also outlined and …

Agricultural Sustainability

This article discusses the crossroads that the agricultural industry finds itself in throughout 2020. Although conditional farming is yielding constant results, a change in mindset is challenging the industry. Sustainability has become a hot topic in multiple industries, and agriculture is no exception. From restoring soil health to diversifying farmland, these trends are sure …

The Outlook for the Agriculture Industry

As we venture along in 2020, specific trends within the agricultural industry continue to catch the expert’s eyes. In a year that was full of uncertainty, having an idea of what the rest of the year may look like can go a long way in terms of getting your business/farm prepared. Specifically, animal vaccines, …

Coronavirus and Agricultural Finances

This short article briefly explains the impact of the coronavirus has had on the agricultural industry in terms of finances. Within this article, there is a link to the full report on the “Economic impacts of COVID-19 on food and agriculture markets.”
To view this article, click HERE to access the original content.

Using Data to Inform Key Farming Decisions

In the course of operating, farms produce a wealth of valuable data. In a recent article for AgWeb, author Kinsie Rayburn examines the long-term benefits of collecting and using farm data.

The author first discusses a study that examined if farmers are taking advantage of the farm-level productions and management data to which they have …

Farm Management During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Navigating uncertainty is the key to keeping farm operations going during the COVID-19 pandemic, writes Gil Gullickson in a recent article for Successful Farming. The author recently attended a webinar that offered the following tips for farm managers:

Be mentally prepared for uncertainty and unpredictability.Make the difficult decisions necessary to best position your organization for …

When Farmland Inheritance Becomes an Obstacle

Inheritance is a complicated process, particularly when farmland is involved. In a recent piece for Successful Farming, author Jodi Henke spoke with a University of Nebraska educator, Allan Vyhnalek, about the complications that come with farmland inheritance.

Vyhnalek pointed out the following areas of consideration for people who inherit farmland:

The tax consequences of inheritance—there can …