Agriculture Posts

Impact of Coronavirus on Farming

This article discusses how coronavirus has impacted the nation’s food supply system, and specifically farmworkers throughout the nation. Additionally, with the lack of federal regulations to promote food safety, the nation has seen sudden outbreaks among the rural communities.
To view this article, click HERE to access the original content.

Agriculture Bailout Program Explained

As the country and even the world shift their attention to the seeming long-lasting impact of the Coronavirus, updates appear to be coming out each day. Whether the impact is on a global, national or individual industry level, this pandemic is already changing the way businesses are operating on a day-to-day basis. Specifically, within …

Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Agriculture

As the country and even the world shift their attention to the seeming long-lasting impact of the Coronavirus, updates appear to be coming out each day. Whether the impact is on a global, national or individual industry level, this pandemic is already changing the way businesses are operating on a day-to-day basis. Specifically, within …

Guidelines for Coronavirus Emergency Loans

This article provides detailed information related to the Payroll Protection Loan Program – provided by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Specific topics include:
1) Who is eligible;
2) What lenders will be looking for;
3) How much can be borrowed;
4) How to calculate payroll costs;
5) What has to happen for the loan to be forgiven.
To view this …

Assistance Available for Small Businesses

As the country and even the world shift their attention to
the seeming long-lasting impact of the Coronavirus, updates appear to be coming
out each day. Whether the impact is on a global, national or individual
industry level, this pandemic is already changing the way businesses are
operating on a day-to-day basis. On March 27th, President Trump enacted …

Technology Taking Farming to a New Level

This article discusses how farmers can take their practice to a new level by incorporating the newest technologies into their everyday operations. For example, renewable energy, sensors, and data are all at the fingertips of most farmers. Because of technological advancements, the oldest job on the earth has new potential.
To view this article, click …

The Future of AgTech

This article discusses how technology has made its way into most industries, and agriculture is no exception. With the help of “Agtech”, different trends such as the rise of data transparency and analytics, investment opportunities, and digital leasings will be observed in the coming year. It is important to stay on top of emerging …

Good Communication is Key to Successful Farming Succession

As the farming industry undergoes changes precipitated by
new generations, new technologies, and new norms, succession becomes more and
more complicated. A recent article for Successful Farming discusses how
communication can have a big impact on farm succession.

Bad communication—or loss of communication—can have a big
negative impact. It often results in loss of trust between the parties
involved. …

It’s Time to Consider Moving Your Ag Data to the Cloud

Data security in the agriculture industry doesn’t just refer
to keeping online files safe from hackers. In a recent article for PrecisionAg,
author Reinder Prins explores what data security looks like for farmers.

Though some farmers do store their information digitally, a
majority still rely on paper files or records stored on a local computer. The
issue with …

A New Perspective on Agricultural Hiring Practices

In 2020, many industries are struggling with finding and
retaining qualified labor, and agriculture is no exception. Conversely, many
employees in the agriculture industry say they are unable to find good jobs.
What’s behind this? A recent article for AgWeb attributes it to
transitions currently occurring in the U.S. workforce.

What is changing in the workforce? The article …