DBC Posts

Inflation Adjustments for 2022 Returns

This article explains the new inflation adjustments that are being made by the IRS issued through Rev. Proc. 2021-45. The IRS also cautioned that “with legislation pending in Congress that might affect 2022 tax returns, taxpayers should consult future IRS guidance to determine if the adjusted amounts in Rev. Proc. 2021-45 remain applicable in …

Consequences of Some Retirement Options on Small Businesses

Valeria Alterman and Ariane Froidevaux delve into research on various retirement options for small business owners. They look into their custom model of retirement decision options for small business owners to separate from their business, all based on “the ‘proximity’ of the business to the individual once the decision has been made.” The four …

Succession Planning Should Be Part of Family Business Strategy

Too often CEOs of a company will procrastinate the succession of their company to the next generation. This may happen since the idea of retiring from a business can be too difficult to embrace. Another reason is if the CEO decides to hand off the reigns to the family, there could be a dispute …

Keep Your Money in the Family with These Estate Planning Tips

This article explains why and how keeping money within the hands of the people you trust will help you in the future. Heirs could be responsible for “paying federal income taxes on either assets or retirement accounts, and if you plan poorly, your money could end up in the hands of an ex-spouse or …

Keeping a Family Business Running Smoothly Generation after Generation

This article discusses three dysfunctions that are commonly seen throughout family businesses. Chris Yonker, the author of the article, says that following the steps of over-achievers can be a bad way to help ensure the family business continues to run properly. Often children are faced with the challenge of following the footsteps of their …

Business Travel Deductions for 2021

This article discusses how under previous law, deductions for business meals were limited to 50% of the cost, but through the pandemic, that deduction was doubled to 100% for the time being if the meal was provided by a restaurant. Further, many self-employed taxpayers are trying to re-energize their business through travel, and if …

Receipt Signatures, Does Your Small Business Need Them?

This article discusses an important topic that all small business owners should consider as it occurs every single day. In the past, credit card transactions required a signature in order to help authenticate the purchase. However, with the development of EMV technology, most credit card companies have dropped this requirement, and large companies such …

Productivity Tips for Your Small Business

This article discusses both the importance of a good leader in any small business as well as the requirement that the business is productive. To help you decide what is important to understand, members of the Young Entrepreneur Council weigh in on what they believe are tips that all small businesses should be considering. …