DBC Posts

Succession Planning for Your Family Business

This article discusses the importance of having a succession plan. According to the Dayton Daily News, about 3 out of 4 small businesses currently do not have a succession plan. Succession plans should not be a birthright, but instead, should go to the most qualified individual. Planning for successor years ahead can eliminate power …

Affordable Marketing Ideas for Startups

This article discusses how marketing is essential for any successful business, especially startups. However, sometimes the best marketing practices can be extremely expensive with little return on investment. However, using simple tips such as getting a social cost, having a referral program, and sending emails to the right people are all inexpensive ways that …

Things to Consider Before Selling Your Business

This article discusses the best methods to practice before selling your business to someone who values it as much as you do. Firstly, it is important to determine your business value. In order to successfully do that it is necessary to follow the asset method, market method, and income method. It is also important …

What You Need to Know About Business Meal Deductions

This article discusses guidance on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act pertaining to the general deduction of business entertainment expenses. Because of the guidance put out in 2020, “Taxpayers…must carefully follow the rules set out in the final regulations for substantiating business food and beverage expenses to ensure a deduction is allowed for the …

Succession Planning Strategy for Your Business

Too often CEOs of a company will procrastinate the succession of their company to the next generation. This may happen since the idea of retiring from a business can be too difficult to embrace. Another reason is if the CEO decides to hand off the reigns to the family, there will be a dispute …

Tips for Selling Your Business in 2021

This article discusses how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the way people are purchasing businesses and how business owners are selling. In fact, there’s been a rise in investment activity, and it is expected to continue for the remainder of this year. In order to capitalize on these investments, taking advantage of tips such …

Family Business Succession Tips

This article discusses the sad reality of how fewer than 1/3 of family businesses are successively handed down to the second generation. However, utilizing the tips outlined in this article such as starting your succession planning early, including family members in discussions, training, and sticking to the facts can all set your family business …

Getting the Most From Selling Your Business

This article discusses how there are many factors at play when a business gets bought or sold. Specifically, topics such as reoccurring revenue, why someone sells, buyers’ interests, evaluation criteria, and the 4 P’s (People, Platform, Processes, and Product) are all outlined within this link. No matter where you are at in the mergers …

Employee Spotlight: Lisa Freeman

Lisa Freeman joined the De Boer Bauman team as an intern in January 2016 and moved to full-time at the end of that tax season. Before coming to us, Lisa went back to school as an adult and graduated from Davenport University with an Associate Degree in Accounting. 

Today, she works on the quarterly and …

Here’s What Happened in the World of Small Business in June 2021

Here are five things that happened this past month that affect your small business.1) There’s a tight labor market nationwide these days, and it’s giving workers more leverage.The economy’s recovery is giving low-wage workers more leverage, as “ballooning job openings in fields requiring minimal education” combine with a shrinking labor force. For some, this …