V5 — Issue 2

Solving the Problem: Do We Need to Hire a Consultant?

There are many stages in the lifetime of a nonprofit when it may be valuable to bring in outside support. Consultants can provide an unbiased perspective, beneficial expertise, or much-needed capacity, to help an organization address a specific problem or achieve an identified goal.

With so many options, it may be difficult to find the …

Re-Embracing the Work of Fundraising

Conversations about the decline of charitable giving often center on only one-half of the fundraising transaction: the donor. Good development professionals understand that philanthropy is not a one-way street. It is incumbent upon organizations to craft effective strategies and build positive relationships with their supporters to ensure the success of their fundraising efforts.

This article …

Ten Nonprofit Funding Models

In the nonprofit world, your focus is solidly on your mission. As a result, discussion about money can often be reactionary, leaving you at a disadvantage when it comes to establishing sustainable funding to support important programs and services. A more effective strategy for achieving a sound financial position is to take a page …

Strategies for Fighting Back Against Rising Input Costs

In spite of rapidly rising input costs, smart farm managers can still manage to turn a profit, writes Chelsea Dinterman in a recent article for Successful Farming. Dinterman suggests that farm managers focus on closely managing fertilizer application, reevaluating seeds and seeding rates, and researching alternative options to herbicides for weed control. Click here …

Is It Time for You to Go Global?

Have you considered expanding your operations into the global market? Now is a great time to consider implementing exports, if you have not already done so, writes Kala Jenkins in a new article from AgWeb. She recommends a two-pronged approach. First, reach out to export professionals to learn about your export options. Second, consider …

How Agriculture-Specific Accounting Practices Can Boost Your Operation

Implementing accounting methods that are specific to your farm or ranch operation is an important aspect of running a successful business in this arena, explains a recent article from Farmbrite. The author offers an overview of various helpful tools, tips, and accounting standards that can help agriculture businesses thrive. Click here to read about …

Employers Can Defer Payroll Taxes

One of the benefits included in the COVID-19 epidemic stimulus package is the ability of an employer to defer payment of the employer’s share of certain federal payroll taxes. The deferral applies to the employer’s 6.2% share of the Social Security (OASDI) payroll tax.

The deferral does not apply to the employer’s 1.45% share of …

Q&A: Understanding SBA Disaster Loans and What They Mean for You

If you’re a small business owner struggling financially due to the COVID-19 outbreak, there is help available. The SBA is offering Economic Injury Disaster Loans of up to $2 million – here are answers to the FAQs.Q: How much funding can I get?Small businesses that need support through the disaster recovery period can borrow …

Businesses Score Big Tax Benefits with the CARES Act

As part of the stimulus package to help offset the financial damage inflicted on businesses as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, Congress restored the ability of businesses that suffer a loss to carry those losses back and recover taxes paid in prior years. The limitation on business interest deductions has also been relaxed, …