Things to Remember When Hiring Youth Workers on Your Farm

Things to Remember When Hiring Youth Workers on Your Farm

Summer is here, and kids are out of school and looking for jobs. Your own children are exempt from most laws regarding hazardous work, but here are some quick tips that can guide you in hiring other youth. Safety is always the first priority, so take into account each child’s size, physical strength, and reasoning ability when deciding who is best suited for each job.

Workers age 16 and older can do any farm job with no restrictions. Teens age 14 and 15 can work outside school hours on nonhazardous jobs, with some exceptions. In some circumstances, children age 12 and 13 can do farm work outside of school hours. Special waivers must be obtained from the Secretary of Labor to hire children ages 10 and 11, and they are only able to harvest by hand short-season crops during a specified period.

It is important to check with your insurance provider to make sure you have adequate liability coverage; and check with your legal counsel if you have specific employment questions.

To read more, see the full article from


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